Friday, April 25, 2014

Purex Crystals Dryer Sheets

Who new that one little dryer sheet can do so much? I sure didn't. Not until I was sent the Purex Crystals Dryer Sheets to review. I was given the Lavender Blossom scent. It also comes in Fresh Spring Waters

These sheets give you 30 days of long-lasting freshness!! Ok, ok, that's what it says on the box. But it's really true!!

I received the package the other day and opened it and put the box of dryer sheets in the garage where our washer and dryer is. Then my fiancé came home and asked me what that scent was. That it filled up the entire house including the upstairs. He liked it so much that he put the box of dryer sheets on our counter.

Now Purex Crystal Dryer Sheets don't just reduce static cling and leave your family's laundry soft and smelling fresh, they also repel pet hair and lint.

I used the sheets and it definately does repel the pet hair. I need that, I have a dog and cat that both shed like crazy!!

Win a coupon for a FREE box of Purex Crystals Dryer Sheets

Now here's the fun part!! You like what I have to say and want to try the Purex Crystals Dryer Sheets for free?? Well, you can!! 3 lucky readers that leave a compelling comment on why you want to try the sheets will win a coupon for one free box of Purex Crystals Dryer Sheets. Just don't forget to leave your email address so I can email the 3 winners!!

Good luck my friends!!

***The Purex brand provided me with a sample of Purex Crystals Dryer Sheets in exchange for a product review. However, all the opinions expressed here are my own. ***

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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Purex No Sort for colors

Get this friends, Purex has a new detergent that will change the way you do laundry!! It's called Purex No Sort for colors. No more sorting needed. Put all your clothes in the wash with out sorting and Purexs' No Sort for colors does the job for you with its Anti-Color-Transfer Technology. What the heck does that mean you ask. Well, as you know, dyes can bleed onto other fabrics in the wash. But with Purex No Sort for colors it traps loose dyes and reduces color bleeding accidents.

Does this work? Yes!! It does!! I did my laundry today using the Purex No Sort for colors that was given to me by Purex to review and my clothes came out smelling and looking fresh and clean. I didn't sort. I just threw everything in the wash. Nothing bled, no running of colors. I am so happy!! You have no idea how much less time it took me to do all my laundry! It's great!!

Want to try the Purex No Sort for colors for yourself for free?? Well you can. Just post a comment with your email address and the best 2 comments will will a coupon for a free bottle of Purex No Sort for colors!!

**The Purex brand provided me with a sample of Purex No Sort for Colora detergent in exchange for a product review. However, all the opinions expressed here are my own.

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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Moms night out Sweepstakes

 About The Sweepstakes

Being a mom is the hardest job of all, but sometimes moms need a break too! That’s why Purex is celebrating Mother’s Day and the release of Sony’s new motion picture, Moms’ Night Out, by giving away a night out for you and up to five friends.

My mom has been through a lot but she never let anything make her less of a mom.

She was married to a man for 18 years that physically abused her. Then they divirced and my mom was literally left with nothing. But she didn't waver. She kept her head held high and was still the best mom she could be.

She then met a wonderful Christian man that changed her whole life. My mom became a Born Again Christian and was now an even better mom. I thought she was already great but she had more love in her to show.

I would love to give my mom a great night out just to show how much I love and appreciate her!!

My mom has always been there for all of us kids, and we are a family of 4 children. She made sure we always had the best even when we were broke and on welfare after my dad left. It didn't keep my mom down. I know God was always part of my moms life it just took my step father to show her the way.

Don't you want to give your mom a great night out to show how much you appreciate her? I do!! Click the link below to enter your mom in the sweepstakes.

Shhh... we also have a sneak peak of the movie just for you. Use the following url to post an exclusive clip of the movie in theaters May 9, 2014 – Mother’s Day Weekend.

Exclusive clip:

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