Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Purex No Sort for colors

Get this friends, Purex has a new detergent that will change the way you do laundry!! It's called Purex No Sort for colors. No more sorting needed. Put all your clothes in the wash with out sorting and Purexs' No Sort for colors does the job for you with its Anti-Color-Transfer Technology. What the heck does that mean you ask. Well, as you know, dyes can bleed onto other fabrics in the wash. But with Purex No Sort for colors it traps loose dyes and reduces color bleeding accidents.

Does this work? Yes!! It does!! I did my laundry today using the Purex No Sort for colors that was given to me by Purex to review and my clothes came out smelling and looking fresh and clean. I didn't sort. I just threw everything in the wash. Nothing bled, no running of colors. I am so happy!! You have no idea how much less time it took me to do all my laundry! It's great!!

Want to try the Purex No Sort for colors for yourself for free?? Well you can. Just post a comment with your email address and the best 2 comments will will a coupon for a free bottle of Purex No Sort for colors!!

**The Purex brand provided me with a sample of Purex No Sort for Colora detergent in exchange for a product review. However, all the opinions expressed here are my own.

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