Gift From Nature Diet Tea Review
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I was skeptical at first about trying this tea. I have tried diet teas before and they tasted horrible!! But I went into this with a positive attitude.
First, I did read the reviews that were already posted and thought oh yeah they are just giving this product a good review because they were giving the tea for free. But no!! They all were telling the truth!!
When I first got the tea and opened the bag, the aroma that came out was so pleasant. It was a light peachy smell. Also the tea bags aren't just dropped in the bag they came in. They are individually wrapped too!! I really liked that. It keeps the tea bags fresh.
How I made the tea was a little different from how the other reviewers did. I placed the tea bag in my coffee mug and then put water in the mug and nuked it for 2 minutes. My tea was hot but not scalding hot. I don't like scalding hot tea. I let the tea bag steep for maybe a minute, I was anxious to try it, and left the tea bag in the coffee mug as I drank. I always leave the tea bags in my mug.
I took a sip of the tea not knowing what to expect. It smelled really good so I was hoping it would taste good too and it did!! It had a mild peace like taste. It wasn't overwhelming it was very mild. I drank all the tea and noticed that an hour later I wasn't hungry at all. This was around 4pm. Mind you, I haven't had anything to eat all day and was hungry before I even drank the tea. So I was very happy about this!!
Now, I only have been drinking the tea for a couple days now so I can't attest for the weight loss. But I am thinking that if it curves my appetite then it's bound to help me lose weight!! I will update my review in another week or two to let you know.
As of right now I do recommend this wonderful, great tasting tea to help curve your appetite!!
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Labels: diet, slimming, Tea, weight loss